Today I am playing along with Joyce from I Love Pretty Little Things and her Friday Pretties! So, here is my Friday Pretty. I love her dress and the flowers and how rustic, yet feminine this all looks. And I like the love it portrays.
What a lovely week of blog love! I received two awards that I am happy to get and excited to pass on!

Lovely Leslie from Lemon Sweet Life awarded me the Blog Lovin Award! Thank you, Leslie! It was so kind of you and I always enjoy your blog so much! And congratulations again on your engagement! So exciting! :)

Sweet Debby from Inspired Design awarded me the Happy 101 award! Thank you again, Debby! You are soo kind and I love your blog!
The rules with this award are to list 10 things that you love, so here we go...

2. A guilty pleasure breakfast of mine consists of a chocolate croissant and coffee (or tea). Love it!

7. A little known fact, I love the Dick Van Dyke show. It is a classic. I've seen every episode lots of times and I never get tired of it!

10. I love blogging (if that wasn't obvious!). And I love all my readers. I still am in awe of all the support I feel. Thank you all so much for reading. I really do appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!
And now I would love to pass the Blog Lovin Award on to:
Debby from Inspired Design
Anna from Cornflake
Bren from Chasing Beauty
Trish from Pink Preppy Lilly Lover
Vanessa from A Casa da Va
And I pass the Happy 101 Award to:
Georgia from S I M P L Y ~ S M I L E
Leslie from Lemon Sweet Life
Bumpkin On A Swing
Taj Acosta from Gorgeous Glam
Shari from Little Blue Deer
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