
Your Personal Style

Looks I am loving today...

sweet beading.


soft hues.

floral prints.

london calling.

sparkly skirts.

sparkly shorts!

How wonderful it is that everyone has their own unique, personal style. How would you describe yours?


melissa said...

I love these images - I really don't know which one I like the most, the beads, the florals, the ruffles or the London shoes!
I think my personal style is vintage, florals and muted colours are my favourites at the moment - Melissa xx

julia louise said...

lovee this<3


Lee Oliveira said...

I have been in love with a lot of ladies pieces lately.. ruffles, sheers, see through, long, etc
This season a lot of designers made you girls to look even more gorgeous..
And my camera loves it
Lee x

julia louise said...

Thank you for the comment :)
Follow each other?<3


Unknown said...

Those sparkly shorts look like fun! I can see them on a roller derby chick!! Im sending you an email! <3 Have an amazing weekend! GO STEELERS!

Reg Rodriguez said...

i loooove these trends! i'm currently liking all these trends esp the girly ruffles and the edgy sparkles :)


Anonymous said...

I love these looks.
Hmm...My style. Well, I wear lots of dresses and skirts. I love them. I wish I could wear denims, but they are never long enough for me since I'm like 6'1. :) I love lace, ruffles, bows, and lovely shirts.
I'll say my style is Tywoish..lol.
I'm glad you looked at bikes. I cannot wait to see what you do with the one you buy!
Have a lovely weekend, dear.


Annie said...

I love everything.. the sparkly shorts are especially fun!! I haven't seen anyone wear them yet.... I don't know how I would describe my style.. definitely a mix of things!


Yes please! I'll take them all! :)

Have a great weekend, sweetie xoxo

Jess said...

Love them all, but especially the ruffly shorts! Such a great look.


keishua said...

That's a good question. I like classic simple peaces with a bit of quirk. Sometimes, I catch myself wearing a lot of plain things or black and I have to throw some color on with accessories. I am tempted to add some black sparkly pieces. We shall see...

Moniek said...

Pretty pictures!

Janelle said...

Just loving your blog! We have similar taste! :) Thanks for sharing!

About Last Weekend said...

Wow! love all these, the sweet scattered beading =and the stripes are my fave. I think I look best in preppy with a twist - and when I go wrong is when I veer off into other lands...Have a fab weekend

Martina said...

I ADORE the second photo here - i so want to wear these things! My style is much like this: classic pieces mixed up with some romantic things or intersting details and accessoires - it's all in the mix!

this free bird said...

I'm probably not a ruffles person, but I love that picture. I'm probably more of a florals. Or the sparkly shorts on a daring day!

Have a great weekend,

Nell said...

I need floral shorts for the spring. NEED! xx

Rosie said...

Hello my dear!
You are a "girly girl" for sure!
Floral and ruffles, with a wee bit of sparkle stirred in for good measure...in the recipe for a HAPPY wardrobe.
Yes, when the perfect thrift store piece calls your name, you will know it for sure.
I LOVE your plans for Valentines day...you are such a romantic...and playing cupid is so VERY lovely. You are a GOOD friend, dear one.
Sending you hugs for a JOYfilled weekend...xoxox...Rosie

Unknown said...

Well, mine...let's try...the shorts of image 5 in the lady of the last image. Well...+ the purse of image 5 + her shoes in pastel colors. Get it, sweet Friend?rsrs...that is my style!

I love the images!
I wish you have an adorable weekend, full of sun and much love! Bela

Yvette said...

amazing styles!


k said...

aw, I love those, esp the hues one. I think mine is simple but feminine? I don't know, I also change my mood a lot, haha :)

Jennifer said...

These are all beautiful styles. I love stripes, ruffles, florals... I feel like going shopping now!

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Signe said...

That first shirt is simply amazing :)


Unknown said...

Lovely post! Especially this picture with the soft hues is beautiful!

stylenuggets said...

Nothing like a splash of beads or sequins to make me feel girly

Cornflakes and Honey said...

Love it all. Bring on the girlieness!!

Diana Mieczan said...

Im also all about ruffles and soft hues right now:) Beautiful photos, darling
Wish you a great Monday

Valerie said...

I love all the gold sparkles! I always find it so hard to describe my own style. I'd say classic and feminine.


georgia ~ gi gi said...

Happy Monday Poppie Girl! Hope you had a lovely lovely weekend!
I really love the Londan Calling! Oh those shoes :)
I don't know how to describe my style. I am all over the place, love so many differnt looks!
Great post Poppie Girl!
Love ya lots
gi gi

Lisa {A Piece of Lisa} said...

I love the last three images, but the London calling one is my favourite!

Unknown said...

Those sparkly shorts are so cute! I love all of these picks!

Madeleine Roberts said...

I love all these trends so girly and flirty with such romance yet can always add a little rough edge. Great images.

photohogger said...

Sequins, how I love thee! Beading, you too!

rebecca said...

so much glitter and sparkles! both of which i shy away from.... haha.

About Last Weekend said...

(sorry if this is a repeat). Love all the soft pinks - so wearable, especially the girl in the street. Have a great weekend!

Averilee said...

I love the sequins! and those flag pumps are so awesome :)

Yaletzy said...

Where can i find shorts like those ?

The Pocket Stylist said...

I adore this post thoe sparkles are amazing love your blog!!!